
Someone Has Died - a silly game about serious business

Created by Gather Round Games

Someone Has Died is an improvisational storytelling game that takes one of the coldest and most arduous legal procedures a person can endure and turns it into a gut-busting, baby role-playing game that players of all skill levels can enjoy.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Someone Has Died | November Update!
over 6 years ago – Wed, Nov 08, 2017 at 01:14:50 PM


We hope you all had a very spooky Halloween! We spent our Halloween weekend at Playcrafting’s Halloween Expo playtesting new cards for our expanded base deck!



If you look closely, I bet you can make out some of our new cards.
If you look closely, I bet you can make out some of our new cards.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by to play! We had a great time!

We're hard at work making the new cards for the base deck and for the Dirty Deck expansion pack. If you want to help us test new cards and you're located in NYC, you can join our playtesting Facebook group. We'll post there about our weekly playtest nights, and maybe even post sneak peeks of the new art!

Here are some other things we've been up to:   

  • finalizing contracts with our manufacturing and shipping partners
  • getting our sympathy postcards ready to print  
  • knitting the plushie dolls (thanks Mom)   
  • crying over the new season of Bojack Horseman 

In other news, we've decided to provide a digital print & play of the base deck to all backers who pledged at $5 or above.

You can expect surveys coming your way in the following weeks! If you have any questions feel free to message us here on Kickstarter or shoot us an email at [email protected].

Thanks as always for your support!

xoxo, Liz & Adi

Someone Has Died | We Did It!
over 6 years ago – Sun, Oct 15, 2017 at 05:15:18 PM


We ended our campaign with a total of $52,283 raised. That's 348% funded. In total, 1,712 people backed us. Holy cow, that's a lot of you.

Our backers just kept multiplying like these rabbits.
Our backers just kept multiplying like these rabbits.

We're currently working on setting up a pre-order system, so if you or anyone you know missed backing us, don't worry! There's still a chance to get a copy of Someone Has Died! We will send out another update as soon as that's set up. We'll also post any important updates on Facebook and Twitter.

We very much wanted to do an end of campaign livestream, but unfortunately one of us had a family emergency and one of us (me) is sick and has spent the day swimming in VapoRub. So we promise a more detailed update soon! But trust that we're hard at work brainstorming new cards and getting new art ready for both the expanded based and the NSFW expansion pack.

We cannot thank you enough for your support, your patience, and your enthusiasm. We simply would not have gotten this far if it weren't for all of you. Thank you.

xoxo, Liz & Adi

Someone Has Died | Just Two Days Left!
over 6 years ago – Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 12:06:20 AM


We're quickly approaching the end of our campaign. This has been an incredible month. We're already 300% funded. Wow! We're still in awe of all our amazing backers. Thank you. You've made this past month an absolute delight.

But we've now entered the final 48 hours of the campaign.

The campaign will run until Thursday Oct. 12, 4 pm EST, so if you've been bugging your family and friends to back us, tell them now is the time! We still have one more stretch goal left to reach, so if you're just dying to get your hands on the Someone Has Died Player's Handbook, make sure to share our campaign! Let's see if we can make it to $60,000!

We just finished up an incredible weekend at Indiecade. Not only did we have a ton of fun demoing Someone Has Died and trying out as many games as we could, but we debuted our fancy new banner along with our brand new card backs!

Shout out to Mike Lee for the picture and for his hilarious tweet.
Shout out to Mike Lee for the picture and for his hilarious tweet.




 Thanks to everyone who stopped by to play! It was an absolute blast!

If you're sad that you weren't able to hang out with us at Indiecade, make sure to listen to Adi's hilarious interview with Evan & Amanda of Electric Sisterhood as they chat about the game's origins and what it's been like taking Someone Has Died across the country!

Stay tuned for our next update where we'll fill you in on our end of campaign celebration plans!

xoxo, Liz & Adi

One Week Left!
over 6 years ago – Sat, Oct 07, 2017 at 05:09:16 PM

Hey there buddies!

This month has gone by with lightening speed. We can hardly believe that there's only a week left for our Kickstarter. It both feels like we started just yesterday and that we've been working on this for an eternity... Even more unbelievable, we're less than $150 away from hitting 40K and there's over 1200 of you making this all possible. Color me shell-shocked. I think that must be a green-ish color...

Whatever happens over the next week - whether we hit our final stretch goal or not - we are so tickled by having gotten this far. In the meantime, we'll be continuing to do our best to drum up as much excitement for the game as possible. We're out in Los Angeles for IndieCade this weekend (I'll take sentences I never thought I'd say for $500, Alex). Our slot on the floor is on Saturday between 2 - 5pm, so come say hi if you're in the area!

Also, we'd love to do something virtual to celebrate and say thank you in this last week. Comment below if you'd like us to do an AMA or livestream of some kind; we'd be happy to chat with you all and answer any questions you have (virtually) in person!

As always, share if you fancy and thanks a zillion (are you tired of us saying 'thank you'? Well, DEAL WITH IT. WE'RE FREAKIN' GRATEFUL).

xoxo, Liz & Adi 

Someone Has Died | New Stretch Goal + Livestream Announcement!
over 6 years ago – Tue, Oct 03, 2017 at 12:47:04 AM


We here from the Someone Has Died team are constantly blown away by how generous all our backers have been. But we're going to be completely honest with you all: we did not expect our campaign to do this well. We thought there was a good chance we'd fund, maybe even exceed our funding goal, but we never imagined smashing through all our stretch goals as quickly as we did. Not only that, but you guys are asking for more and we’re so completely flattered by that.

We’ve been hearing your suggestions for new stretch goals: magnetic boxes, additional cards, more expansions…and while they're all fantastic ideas, none of them felt quite right. It might make the box prettier or give you some more characters to play as, but it wouldn’t vastly improve your gaming experience. 

We want to offer you something that’s new and different, not just a repeat of a past stretch goal. So, we’ve been thinking, and we came up with something that we're very excited about, and we hope you are too. 

If we reach $60,000, we will release the Someone Has Died Handbook*. 

*Official name TBD
*Official name TBD

We will create an e-book in the style of other tabletop RPGs, such as Dread and Fiasco, that will contain new elements you can incorporate into your will arbitrations. With this, our precious little baby RPG becomes a full-blown awkward teenaged RPG. 

Here are some things you'll get in the Handbook: 

  • Character sheets, to allow you to create your own characters for the game 
  • An Estate Keeper Cheat Sheet, chock full of advice and suggestions for leading the best possible will arbitration 
  • Alternative rule sets
  • And more!

We’ve always thought of Someone Has Died as an easily accessible introduction to role-playing. With this handbook, we’d be able to further bridge the gap between accessible party games and in-depth storytelling experiences. We think this new addition could really expand the way players of all skill-levels can enjoy Someone Has Died

If you’re as excited as we are about making this digital handbook, please continue sharing our campaign with your friends and loved ones. We’ve got 10 days to make it happen! Also, write us a message or a comment telling us what kind of content you’d like us to add to the book! 

In other exciting news!

This Tuesday Oct. 3, at 9 pm EST, we'll be doing a live stream with Colleen & John from The Metagame! We're huge fans of The Metagame, so we're super pumped for the new Games Expansion pack that they're currently Kickstarting!

Tune in at 9 pm EST on our page to see Colleen, John, and some special guests play Someone Has Died.

Then at 9:45 pm EST hop on over to their page to see us all play The Metagame!  

And to hold you over until then, check out this interview Adi did with Dicestormers where she tells about the origins of Someone Has Died and how we decided to make a storytelling game all about death and estate law!

That was a hefty update so thanks for reading and thanks for supporting Someone Has Died!

xoxo Liz & Adi