
Someone Has Died - a silly game about serious business

Created by Gather Round Games

Someone Has Died is an improvisational storytelling game that takes one of the coldest and most arduous legal procedures a person can endure and turns it into a gut-busting, baby role-playing game that players of all skill levels can enjoy.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Someone Has Died | We Have Friends!
over 6 years ago – Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 04:13:06 PM


Another update so soon?! That's because this morning we reached 1000 backers! That's a lot of backers. We'd like to say thank you to each and every one of you. With your help, so far we've raised over $30,000!

We are completely starstruck by our backers
We are completely starstruck by our backers

Thank you so much for helping us get to this point! We're so, so very excited to get a copy of Someone Has Died into your hands.

You’ve been so generous during this campaign, and we want to try to spread that love. We thought we’d take some time to highlight other games that we're very excited about! So here are some games we highly recommend playing/throwing money at because they’re really cool and were created by even cooler people.

  • All or One - Currently on Kickstarter! We met the All or One team at PAX West. The premise of this game is simple: all the players have been locked in a room. The only way out is for one person to be sacrificed. Each player is given a secret role card, which gives them a specific goal they’re trying to achieve by the end of the game. The creators managed to cram A LOT into a relatively small game, and it’s one of the things we love about it! And if you're like me, and you love hidden role games but you’re also very bad at hidden role games, then All or One is perfect for you!


  • The Metagame: The Games Deck - Currently on Kickstarter! If you're familiar with The Metagame already, then I'm sure you're pumped for their new expansion pack! They've partnered up with the Shut Up & Sit Down team to create a games-centric expansion pack, making this discussion-based card game even more meta and even more awesome!
  • Complicated Board Game the Card Game - Available for purchase! Arguably the best named tabletop game ever. And that means a lot coming from a game called Someone Has Died, but CBGtCG has us beat here. This game condenses the absurdity, fun, and frustration of game night with your friends into its own 15-minute game!
  • Cult Following - Available for purchase! Another team we met at PAX West! Cult Following is an awesome narrative game with a great premise and simple gameplay. Players must use the cards in their hands to create a cult and try to recruit players to join their cult. If you like Someone Has Died, we’re pretty sure you’re going to LOVE Cult Following.
Look at these beautiful boxes
Look at these beautiful boxes

That's all we have for you today! If there's something you'd like to see from us in the last two weeks of this campaign, tell us! You can reach us here, or through Twitter or Facebook.

As always, thank you for getting us to this point!

xoxo, Liz & Adi

Someone Has Died | Stretch Goals & Boston FIG!
over 6 years ago – Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 11:07:46 AM


Since the last time we checked in with you, we've hit two more stretch goals!  

We're very excited to come up with new, wacky cards for you! But what could be even better than adding more cards?

That's right. A Dirty Deck expansion pack. Get excited. We already have a spreadsheet full of gross/just plain dumb ideas. 

In other exciting news, we just got back from an awesome weekend at the Boston Festival of Indie Games.  

Our emotional robot friend came along for the trip.
Our emotional robot friend came along for the trip.


Robot photo bomb.
Robot photo bomb.


Things got a little weird but in a good way.
Things got a little weird but in a good way.

If you're sad that you missed us in Boston, don't cry! You can find a print and play of our demo copy right here. If you're thinking of printing out a copy of Someone Has Died, a lovely human named Brent was nice enough to make these card backs especially for the print and play. Thanks Brent!  

We still have 16 days left in the campaign. We can't thank you enough for getting us to this point, but we want this campaign to end with a bang! In two weeks, from Oct. 6-8th, we'll be in L.A. for the 10 year anniversary IndieCade Festival, and we're super pumped about it! If you're going to be there, let us know! You can message us here on Kickstarter, or find us on Facebook and Twitter. Is there something you want to see from us in the last two weeks of this campaign? Tell us! We like hearing from you!

As always, thanks for being great!

xoxo, Liz & Adi

Someone Has Died | Second Stretch Goal Reached!
over 6 years ago – Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 07:41:18 PM


The Someone Has Died train just keeps on rolling! We're thrilled to announce that we reached our second stretch goal on Kickstarter!

Now every copy of Someone Has Died will come in a sturdy two-piece box! We're very excited about this upgrade! A two-piece box means your copy of Someone Has Died will fare better against the normal wear and tear of will arbitrations.

We're so amazed how much support we're getting, but we're just so excited to make Someone Has Died better and better for you. As right now, we're at $22,000! That's incredible! And you all did that!

We still have 24 days left to go in the campaign and two more stretch goals we can reach. Our next stretch goal, at $23,500, is adding more cards to the base deck. We've got some really great, silly card ideas that we've been sitting on, so if you want to see those become real, let's get to that next stretch goal! So shareshareshare our campaign! 

In other exciting news, we'll be at Boston FIG this Saturday, so come and say hi if you see us! 

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for regular updates. (It's what all the cool kids are doing.) 

And as always, thank you for getting us this far.

xoxo, Liz & Adi

Someone Has Died | Fully Funded & First Stretch Goal Reached!
over 6 years ago – Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 10:56:01 PM


You're receiving this update because you helped Someone Has Died reach it's funding goal last night!!! Let's take a moment to celebrate!


We've said it before and we'll say it again and again. THANK YOU. We are completely blown away by the support we've received. We never thought we'd be able to reach our goal in just five days. We couldn't have gotten this far without your help and your enthusiasm. Thankyouthankyouthankyou. We're so excited for you all to have your own copy of Someone Has Died that you can hold in your hands and cradle lovingly.

We may have reached our funding goal, but we're not even close to done. This morning we woke up to see that we also reached our first stretch goal! 

YAY! With the extra funding, we'll be able to upgrade our card stock, so now when your will arbitration gets heated, you can throw around those objection cards without having to worry about them!

Like we said before, we still have a long way to go in this campaign. If you want to help us reach our next stretch goal, share this with your friends! Tell them all about the really cool card game you backed on Kickstarter!

Now that we've reached this milestone, we want to celebrate with you! What would you like us to do? A live-stream? AMA? A contest of some sort? There are so many options! Let us know what you'd like to see! And if you want to stay completely up-to-date on our progress for the remainder of the campaign, make sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

xoxo, Liz & Adi

Someone Has Died | Media Round-up!
over 6 years ago – Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 01:03:38 PM

Hi hello yes welcome to this Kickstarter update.  

We are 4 days into the campaign for Someone Has Died, and as of right now we're just about to hit 80%. We’ve been so blown away by the support that we are honestly speechless. So instead spending this update talking about ourselves, we thought why not let other people talk about us.  

People have said some really nice things about our game, so we took a moment to gather everything up and present it all here to you.  

Someone Has Died: Media Round-up


"[Someone Has Died is] a morbidly funny card game that brings all the joys of will arbitration to your living room, but with absurd twists that force the players to build outlandish characters and tell weird and hilarious stories."

On the last day of PAX West, we spoke to Jessica from IndieHangover about how our team brought Someone Has Died from a ridiculous concept to a real-life card game, and how as our game evolved and changed, our focus on storytelling remained the same.

This article also features my favorite description of Spiderface, aptly described as, "literally just a person with a face full of spiders." Thank you, Jessica, for taking the time to chat with us, and for giving Spiderface the recognition they deserve!


"Through the guidance of the cards, Someone Has Died gives a player more direction and relies slightly less on your ability to think up some bonkers story all by yourself."


We were thrilled to see Someone Has Died was included on Jess’s Fav Five Kickstarters of the Week 9/8/17, especially when we saw our friend Gil topping the list with his newest Kickstarter for The Network: Executives. Keep an eye out for Jess's review of Someone Has Died coming soon!

Sprites and Dice

"Someone Has Died is distinctly different from other party games with just a judge, because the Estate Keeper gets to set the tone and tempo for each game. This is a party game, but one with a story, and the estate keeper should always be someone that wants to tell a good tale...No lies here: this game is bizarre, but it takes pride in its oddities."

If I'm being completely honest, Wyatt on Sprites and Dice does a better job at capturing the oddness of Someone Has Died than we ever have. We worked very hard to strike a particular balance between humor and death when developing our game, as there's always the fear that leaning too heavily in one direction will remove all the fun and just make the concept distasteful. This article pretty perfectly describes just how ridiculous Someone Has Died is, and how that ridiculousness comes together to create bizarre and compelling stories.

The Good Men Project

"[Someone Has Died] has many rules that you can adhere to closely or not. That’s the beauty and genius of the game...the bickering, pleading and bald-faced subterfuge made for an entertaining 45 minutes!"

We spoke to Alex of The Good Men Project at Five Points Festival, where we were able to give him a quick demonstration of the game. Check out the video below!

Board Gaming For The Win

"Get ready to unleash your imagination & game on!"


Last but not least, Christopher over at Board Gaming For The Win did a very early review of Someone Has Died. As someone with experience doing improv comedy, the storytelling aspect was right up his alley.


EDIT: As I published the update, I found out we were also included on today's Game News on Shut Up & Sit Down


That's all we have for you today! Thank you again for all your support! As always, send us questions here on Kickstarter or at [email protected], or follow us on Twitter and Facebook!

xoxo, Liz & Adi